Commercial Landlord-Tenant Dispute

A commercial landlord-tenant dispute can be a big and complex conflict. You have to have knowledge about New York City laws, taxes, and building codes to properly address many issues that can arise between a business and its landlord. Fortunately, you do not actually need to know any of that stuff if you are a business owner who is having a serious issue with their landlord. You can just hire our Long Island, NY commercial landlord-tenant dispute lawyers and allow us to handle this problem on your behalf.

What Kinds of Commercial Landlord-Tenant Dispute Can Lawyers Help With?

Our law firm has experience with just about any kind of commercial landlord-tenant dispute that you can think of. We can provide defenses against:

  • Holdover and nonpayment eviction
  • Actions for declaratory judgment
  • Illegal lockouts
  • Yellowstone injunctions
  • Constructive eviction

We can also help our clients when other types of problems arise and they need help convincing a landlord to fix issues or renegotiate important parts of their agreement. We are ready to assist you when you need assistance with:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) litigation
  • Violations of building codes
  • Arguments over tax share
  • Disputes over who is supposed to pay which building expenses
  • Negotiations to withdraw from or terminate a lease

Do I Absolutely Need to Hire a Lawyer?

In many cases, you are actually not even going to be allowed to appear in court without an attorney. When it comes to commercial landlord-tenant disputes, New York courts want to be sure that everyone is on a level playing field. Usually, a landlord is going to know more about the law than the tenant is. Having a business owner represent themselves just isn’t responsible.

Why Is Your Law Firm a Good Choice to Handle My Commercial Landlord-Tenant Dispute?

Trying to handle any of these disputes on your own can be tough. Your landlord knows the laws. They have lawyers of their own ready to twist everything that they can against you. You need a knowledgeable ally who can represent your interests and help bring any of these common commercial real estate arguments to their conclusion.

Another reason to hire our lawyers is that it allows you to focus on your business. We can take care of the legal proceedings for you and find the best way to wrap things up, whether that’s through mediation or litigation.

Schedule a Consultation With Our Team

So if you are having any kind of dispute with your landlord, don’t try to solve the problem on your own. Contact David A. Gallo & Associates LLP and tell us more about your situation. We can schedule a consultation and show you how our experienced attorneys can assist you with your issue and protect your rights as a tenant.